All Now Mysterious...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Snippets from the Day

After the unpleasantness of the root canal a couple of weeks ago, I returned to the dentist's office this morning for a more traditional checkup and cleaning. After six conventional X-rays, a panoramic X-ray, and a good cleaning with a high-powered Water-Pic and cinnamon pumice, the dentist told me that I have no cavities. Cool! Rarely have I heard those words from a dentist. It made me want to go home and celebrate by eating an entire pint of chocolate ice cream. ::evil grin:: But I resisted.

At work today RevInterrupt13 and I began learning how to troubleshoot and repair the call center's computers. The Big RT has decided that J, our IT guy, should be spending more of his time at the main office. (How he's going to accomplish that without a Time Turner I have no idea; it's not like we ever see him at the call center anyway.) So we pulled a malfunctioning computer off the floor and took it into J's office. And then we spent the next two and a half hours trying to get it to work. After trying to ghost a hard drive and performing three network card transplants into three different computer carcasses, we finally created a mostly-working model. We futzed about with the network settings and installed the two programs we actually use (an electronic time card and a computer-aided telephone interviewing program), and at long last we had a machine that was ready for the call floor. Naturally we had to swap the mouse and keyboard—the old machine had PS/2 connections, while the one we replaced it with connects with serial and AT, respectively. Sure, the machine is old. But it works.

Driving home was less than a joy. It seems like I spent the entire trip behind people who believe that they (as well as the eight cars behind then) need to come to a complete stop before making a right turn at a green light. Ugh! I swear, driving in this state will be my undoing.

Dinner was good. I grilled some beef ribs we had in the fridge, and Nancy made mashed potatoes and brown gravy and baked beans. Top it off with a glass or three of cold chocolate milk and chocolate cream pie (also made by Nancy), and it made for one great meal. Alas, I have a sink full of dishes to do in the morning. Still, totally worth it.

We watched Get Smart tonight as we ate. It's a great movie. I was a bog fan of the original series, and I think the movie is an amazing tribute to the source material. Steve Carell is a fantastic Maxwell Smart—reminiscent of Don Adams without being a rip-off or a parody. Highly recommended.

And that's enough for one. The Big Cozy Bed is calling to me....


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