All Now Mysterious...

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Yesterday it was sunny and warm in Salt Lake City, with high temperatures around 85º F (29º C).

Today the high temperature was around 55º F (13º C) and it rained all day. There's snow in the mountains, literally five miles from my house.

It must be autumn in Utah.


  • And let me say, I bid the heat a joyous farewell to the heat, for as long as it does stay away.

    By Blogger Lord Mhoram, At September 30, 2009 11:47 PM  

  • I am so not looking forward to winter. I want to apologize in advance for all of the "I hate being cold" complaints you will hear from me over the next few months. I'm sorry I am a light weight when it comes to the cold. You'd think with the whole being pregnant thing I would feel more insulated. Oh well. Luckily I have you to keep me warm. Thanks for always being willing to be my electric blanket! You are hot in more ways than one!! :] Love you!

    By Blogger Nancy, At October 02, 2009 1:30 PM  

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