All Now Mysterious...

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Don't know much geography....

My brother Aaron sent me this Geography Test, allegedly to see if I know as much as third graders do about the locations of the 48 continental States.

I scored 45/48, but I have a perfectly good, explanation. I did it at work and ran out of time. (The computers at work, on the whole, are as slow as a herd of three-legged turtles stampeding through library paste.) Once I got home, however, I was able to get all 48 within the alloted time.

I did run into a couple of problems during the test, though. I confess that I couldn't remember whether Alabama was to the left of Mississippi or vice versa, and I had a little trouble Identifying some of the New England states. I've heard of some East-coasters having trouble identifying "all those square states in the West". Having grown up in one of those square states, I had no trouble there.

So, if you've got a free moment, take a look. You may be surprised at how much or how little you remember from third grade.

(Incidentally, the Utah Core Curriculum does not specify that a student needs to be able to identify all the states, either in third grade or at any other time in elementary school. The third grade social studies core seems to require students to know the locations of the various states, though. Interesting.)


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