All Now Mysterious...

Thursday, May 26, 2005

...It's my birthday too, yeah!

Okay, the perceptive reader will note than my actual birthday was last Tuesday. But today is my blogging birthday. Yes, loyal reader(s), it was one year ago that I tried to make a comment on Derek's blog, and in the process of doing so, ended up with a blog of my own.

At the risk of sounding clichéd, what a long, strange year it's been.

As I have mentioned before, I print out my entries at the end of each month and put them into a 3-ring binder, which serves as a sort of journal. I recently took a look back at what I've written over the past year. A lot of it is quizzes, memes, and other such fluff. But there have been some significant posts as well. I've posted jokes, personal observations, rants, raves, and the occasional insight into what's really going on inside my head. I've used this space as therapy on numerous occasions. I've even started an argument or two here. Through it all, you've kept reading, kept making comments, kept offering encouragement.

Thank you.

So, happy blogday to me! Here's to another year. I look forward to sharing it with all of you.


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