All Now Mysterious...

Friday, August 12, 2005

Friday's Feast

Friday's Feast, 12 August 2005.

Appetizer Did you sleep good [sic] last night?
"No, I made a few mistakes." -Steven Wright

Soup What is your current computer desktop image?
Nancy, myself, and several friends sitting in/on The Dreadnought, watching the Pioneer Day parade in downtown Salt Lake.

Salad When was the last time you planted something, what was it and where did it go?
I seem to remember helping to plant trees as part of a service project several years ago. I presume they haven't gone anywhere since then.

Main Course What's your favorite condiment?
BBQ sauce, or maybe honey mustard dressing. Sometimes I'll combine the two—the combination makes an excellent marinade.
And remember to practice safe eating. Always use a condiment.

Dessert Share a quote that you like, for whatever reason.
"I have been complimented many times, and they always embarrass me; I always feel that they have not said enough." -Mark Twain


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