All Now Mysterious...

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Good. Bad. I'm the guy with the gun.

About a month ago, Steve Long, the president and guru of Hero Games proposed a contest on the Hero Discussion Boards:

OK, Herophiles... it's contest time!

As some of you know, Cryptic had some Champions Online ping-pong ball guns made to promote the MMO....We've obtained a dozen or so of them to give away to you, our loyal Hero fans!

To win one, you have to create a humorous Champions or HERO System "motivational poster."

So I went to work. I submitted something like a dozen total posters, I think. Some of my best ones were these:

And I won! The four posters above were all singled out by Steve as worthy.

So I got the gun today:

Just in time for gaming tonight. Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!


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