All Now Mysterious...

Monday, March 21, 2005

Just In Case

Heaven forbid that my loved ones should ever have to face such a dilemma. But if a time should ever come that a feeding tube or something similar is all that's keeping me alive, I want there to be no questions about what I want to have happen:

Turn it off.

That's my decision and my desire - no debates, no second-guessing. And no regrets. If I should ever reach such a point, then I've already left the building. Let me go.

I don't want to spend my final earthy hours/weeks/years as a headline. I don't want to be fodder for protracted legal battles. I don't want Congress deciding my fate.

It would be nice if those closest to me could take a few moments to say goodbye. Wherever I am, I'll hear you. Then send me to the transplant unit. If my mind is gone, maybe my body can still be useful.

I hope my family and friends will never find themselves in this situation. But if it should come to pass, you know what to do. Send me on my way. I've got better places to be.


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