All Now Mysterious...

Friday, January 27, 2006


I got a phone call yesterday from my credit union. The paycheck I deposited last Friday night bounced.

At the present moment, $70 in returned check fees have been assessed. I also know that there are still a few outstanding charges from the past couple of days, so that figure is likely to climb to over $100.

My checking account balance is now more than $200 in the red.

So I get to spend my morning fixing all of this. I'll be taking the bus to my credit union soon. I have to have them print up my history and fax it to my company's HR person, who will cut another check (that won't bounce, I hope). I'll take that check to my company's bank and cash it. Then it's back to the credit union. Then, if there's time, I can do what I was actually planning on doing today before I have to go to work.

This not how I was planning on spending my day.

I don't know exactly who it is just yet, but somebody in my company is about to have a really bad day.


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