Friday's Feast - on Friday!
Appetizer What movie soundtracks do you own?
Okay, you asked for it: 1492: Conquest of Paradise; Blade Runner; Catch Me If You Can; Chariots of Fire; City of Angels; Dune; Henry V; The Hunt for Red October; Independence Day; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Ladyhawke; The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Much Ado About Nothing; Ocean's Eleven; Phenomenon; Pretty Woman; The Princess Bride; The Singles Ward; Somewhere In Time; Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan and First Contact; and Star Wars: Episodes I, II, IV, V, and VI. Those are the ones I can identify right now, anyway.
Soup How much cash do you usually carry with you?
$2.00. I carry two Sacagawea dollars in my wallet for emergencies (bus fare, gas, etc.) or to give as tips. Other than that, I don't carry cash. That's what debit cards are for.
Salad Are you more comfortable around men or women? Why?
Right now, I would say I'm more comfortable around men. I'm still recovering from my last close encounter with a woman. Divorce will do that to you, I suppose.
Main Course What is the most mischievous thing you remember doing as a child?
I'm sorry, I can't disclose that. My mother still thinks that was Derek's fault. ;-)
Seriously, I guess the most mischievous thing was using words that my classmates didn't understand to insult them without them realizing it. Yes, it was cruel, but so were they. But hey, I'm not bitter....
Dessert Who is the funniest member of your family?
Probably my brother Aaron, just because he is so blunt and outspoken. I remember playing Balderdash with the family once, and one of Aaron's definitions had us all laughing for almost ten minutes. ("Porch monkeys.")
Okay, you asked for it: 1492: Conquest of Paradise; Blade Runner; Catch Me If You Can; Chariots of Fire; City of Angels; Dune; Henry V; The Hunt for Red October; Independence Day; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Ladyhawke; The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Much Ado About Nothing; Ocean's Eleven; Phenomenon; Pretty Woman; The Princess Bride; The Singles Ward; Somewhere In Time; Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan and First Contact; and Star Wars: Episodes I, II, IV, V, and VI. Those are the ones I can identify right now, anyway.
Soup How much cash do you usually carry with you?
$2.00. I carry two Sacagawea dollars in my wallet for emergencies (bus fare, gas, etc.) or to give as tips. Other than that, I don't carry cash. That's what debit cards are for.
Salad Are you more comfortable around men or women? Why?
Right now, I would say I'm more comfortable around men. I'm still recovering from my last close encounter with a woman. Divorce will do that to you, I suppose.
Main Course What is the most mischievous thing you remember doing as a child?
I'm sorry, I can't disclose that. My mother still thinks that was Derek's fault. ;-)
Seriously, I guess the most mischievous thing was using words that my classmates didn't understand to insult them without them realizing it. Yes, it was cruel, but so were they. But hey, I'm not bitter....
Dessert Who is the funniest member of your family?
Probably my brother Aaron, just because he is so blunt and outspoken. I remember playing Balderdash with the family once, and one of Aaron's definitions had us all laughing for almost ten minutes. ("Porch monkeys.")
My fault?! Hmmm. I think the "legendary" trouble-making exploits of my youth are probably based more on fiction than fact.
dilliwag, At
September 10, 2004 3:13 PM
Fiction? Wasn't it you (or maybe you and Jay) who came up with the outfits for that Knowledge Bowl meet?
Michael, At
September 10, 2004 11:18 PM
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