All Now Mysterious...

Thursday, January 06, 2005

First Feast

Friday's Feast

Appetizer Have you been sick yet this winter? If so, what did you come down with?
I've already gone two (or was it three?) rounds with the sore throat / congestion / loss of energy crud I get every winter.

Soup What colors dominate your closet?
Like any good Mormon boy, I have a couple of white shirts in there. But most of my clothes are dark and/or muted colors: black, forest green, grey, navy blue, etc.

Salad How would you describe your personal "comfort zone"?
It's the place I like to visit when I don't like where I am. But the longer I stay there, the better it feels when I leave.

Main Course On which reality show would you really like to be a contestant?
Reality shows suck rocks, IMHO. I consider them the modern-day equivalent of Rome's "Bread and Circuses". There's not enough money in all the world to entice me to be a contestant on any of them. Now a host, on the other hand....

Dessert Which holiday would you consider to be your favorite?
I don't know if it's my favorite, but I hold a special place in my heart for April Fools' Day. (Two words: Christmas cards.)

{Friday's Feast, 7 January 2005}


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