All Now Mysterious...

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Gee, ya think?

New Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean made the following comment shortly after his selection:

"We cannot win if all we are is against the current president and his administration."

What a concept: a platform based on issues rather than on "Vote for me because I'm not George W. Bush."

If someone had thought of that sooner, there might just be a Democrat in the White House today...


  • I only have this to say about Dean taking over leadership of the DNC:

    ::pumps fist in air and screams:: Yeeeaaaarrrhhhhh.

    By Blogger dilliwag, At February 13, 2005 1:36 PM  

  • i am going to have to wasn't the "i'm not bush" stance that caused the win in the Rep. favour, it was the "i am a good christian just like you" stance that won...the people were wooed and bedded then left in the morning..., the Dem. party was issue that Kerry could have addressed would have fought against the moralistic pride Bush invoked...

    -that's my word-

    By Blogger Unknown, At February 13, 2005 11:26 PM  

  • Yeah, I'm already looking forward to the 2008 election: Dean vs. Cheney.

    Let's just skip the election and settle the matter with a no-holds-barred cage match!

    By Blogger Michael, At February 14, 2005 7:31 AM  

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