All Now Mysterious...

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Useful Trivia

Someone asked me the other night, "How do they make the fireworks all those different colors?" Fortunately, having taken inorganic chemistry in the not-too-distant past, I was able to tell them the different colors came from small amounts of different metals mixed in with the explosive components. I couldn't remember exactly which metals made which colors, though.

Imagine my satisfaction, then, when I was unpacking some books the other day and came across the notes for that class. Here's what they use to make the different colors:

White: Magnesium
Red: Rubidium
Brick Red: Calcium
Crimson: Strontium, Lithium
Yellow: Sodium
Green: Barium, also Copper and Boron
Blue: Cesium
Purple: Potassium

At last, some practical use for all those chemistry classes I took!


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