Give Me A Break
Nancy starts a new job today, so we both set our alarms to 7:00 a.m. to make sure she got up and out the door in time. As it turns out, I was wide awake two full hours before that. So I've been doing homework. And now I need a break.
I've been having a frustrating time with OpenOffice this morning. I'm writing a report about people's conceptions (and misconceptions) on a science concept commonly taught in elementary and middle schools (what causes the seasons to change). In presenting my results, I've been trying to put together a bar graph showing the most frequently offered explanations—something I can do with minimal difficulty in MS Office. In OpenOffice, though, it's proving to be a real pain in the neck. I can't seem to get the graph to look the way I want it to, and I can't seem to get it to past where I want it to in my report. I'm going to need to spend some time playing around with OpOff to figure out these things. Either that, or buy MS Office when my financial aid comes through. I'd really rather not resort to that.
I've got a lot on my plate today. In no particular order, here's my self-made To Do List:
A) Finish Module 2 for school.
B) Complete items 3.1 - 3.5 in Module 3.
C) Vacuum the front room, office, and bedroom.
D) Clean off my desk. (So that I can actually see it. That would be good.)
E) Pick up and deposit my paycheck.
F) Pay bills.
G) Finish substitute teaching applications for the Salt Lake and Granite school districts.
H) Re-roll the tent so it actually fits into the carrying case.
I) Contact the local high school about interviewing a science teacher (for an assignment in Module 4).
J) Go to the chiropractor.
Items A, B, G, and I are the main priorities, but I really need to get most or all of this done today. But first, I'll see Nancy off to work. Then we'll see.
I've been having a frustrating time with OpenOffice this morning. I'm writing a report about people's conceptions (and misconceptions) on a science concept commonly taught in elementary and middle schools (what causes the seasons to change). In presenting my results, I've been trying to put together a bar graph showing the most frequently offered explanations—something I can do with minimal difficulty in MS Office. In OpenOffice, though, it's proving to be a real pain in the neck. I can't seem to get the graph to look the way I want it to, and I can't seem to get it to past where I want it to in my report. I'm going to need to spend some time playing around with OpOff to figure out these things. Either that, or buy MS Office when my financial aid comes through. I'd really rather not resort to that.
I've got a lot on my plate today. In no particular order, here's my self-made To Do List:
A) Finish Module 2 for school.
B) Complete items 3.1 - 3.5 in Module 3.
C) Vacuum the front room, office, and bedroom.
D) Clean off my desk. (So that I can actually see it. That would be good.)
E) Pick up and deposit my paycheck.
F) Pay bills.
G) Finish substitute teaching applications for the Salt Lake and Granite school districts.
H) Re-roll the tent so it actually fits into the carrying case.
I) Contact the local high school about interviewing a science teacher (for an assignment in Module 4).
J) Go to the chiropractor.
Items A, B, G, and I are the main priorities, but I really need to get most or all of this done today. But first, I'll see Nancy off to work. Then we'll see.
I'm assuming you have the updated version of OpenOffice 2.0.3? Anything to avoid Word, you know? How frustrating is it that people seem to find that crappy program the "standard" word processor. Ish. As much as I hate to admit it, I have Word 2003 installed on both our home computers ::hangs head in shame::
dilliwag, At
August 21, 2006 4:58 PM
"give me a pice of that Kit Kat Bar"
I've had a few strangness with graphics in open office. But never enough to drive me to Word. I still have Word Perfect on my machine.
Anonymous, At
August 21, 2006 8:50 PM
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