All Now Mysterious...

Friday, October 01, 2004

This Friday's Feast

Appetizer What sound, other than the normal ringing, would you like your telephone to make?
Call me retro, but I would like a telephone that rings like old telephones used to ring - with a bell rather than electronic chirping. If I ever get a cell phone, I'll look for a ring tone that sounds like the phones on 70's cop shows.

Soup Describe your usual disposition in meteorological terms (partly cloudy, sunny, stormy, etc.).
Shall I compare me to a summer's day? Well, maybe. I guess my disposition is kind of like summer days back home: generally warm and clear, but always with the possibility of storms that appear suddenly and leave a short time later.

Salad What specific subject do you feel you know better than any other subjects?
Is "Useless Trivia" a subject?

Main Course Imagine you were given the ability to remember everything you read for one entire day. What books/magazines/newspapers would you choose to read?
I'd read my textbooks and supporting materials for this semester and next semester in their entirety. Yes, I'm a grade slave.

Dessert If a popular candy maker contacted you to create their next candy bar, what would it be like?
It would be a low-fat, low-carb, great tasting chocolate confection that came in several varieties (with almonds, with crunchies, white chocolate, etc.) and sold for a nickel. Hey, we've split the atom, why can't we create a dessert that's healthy, flavorful, and inexpensive?

{Friday's Feast, 1 Oct 2004}


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