All Now Mysterious...

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Triple Shot Meme

This comes from Derek, who got it from someone else, who got it from yet another location, and so on back into the depths of cyber-obscurity. So it's kind of like a bog-ish chain letter. But fun.

As stated, three of each.

Pet Peeves: Cell phones, Utah drivers, willful ignorance (such as smart people who talk like dey stoopid).
Favorite Sounds: Nieces laughing, thunderstorms, Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata.
Favorite Flavors of Candy: Dark chocolate, white chocolate, peanut butter.
Biggest Fears: Heights, needles, failure.
Biggest Challenges: Being sick, surviving the senior year, remaining sane while all the legal stuff plays out.
Favorite Department Stores: Smith's Marketplace (like an upscale Super Wal-Mart), Borders, Media Play.
Most Used Words: Splendid, approximately, temps.
Favorite Pizza Toppings: Ham, pineapple, mushrooms.
Favorite Cartoon Characters: Snoopy, Goliath (Gargoyles), Raven (Teen Titans).
Movies Recently Watched: Galaxy Quest, Deep Impact, and The Fifth Element, all on cable or video. I don't get out much.
Favorite Fruits: Cantaloupe, bananas, strawberries.
Favorite Vegetables: Corn on the cob, peas, home-grown tomatoes. ("What would life be without home-grown tomatoes? Only two things that money can't buy, and that's true love and home-grown tomatoes.")


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