All Now Mysterious...

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Today's Useless Fact

Do cats have an internal compass? Take a look at this:
Taken away from their homes, [some cats] seem able to remember where they live. The key to this "homing ability" could be a built-in celestial navigation, similar to that used by birds, or the cats' navigational ability could be attributed to the cats' sensitivity to Earth's magnetic field. When magnets are attached to cats, their normal navigational skills are disrupted.

You know what that means? It means that somebody somewhere probably received grant money to shave cats, tape magnets to their bodies, turn them loose in the wild, and record the results. I've got to find the original journal article and review the methodology.

Don't we have more serious scientific issues to explore...?

The Handy Science Answer Book; comp. Science and Technology Dept., Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh; Visible Ink Press: Farmington Hills, MI, 1997; p. 306. (Emphasis added.)


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