All Now Mysterious...

Monday, August 24, 2015

And Good Morning To You As Well

So, I got flipped off this morning for sitting across the aisle from a guy on the bus. I guess my seat choice constituted an invasion of his personal space.

My backpack fell on the floor between us as I was getting situated. He pushed it back toward me with the toe of his boot. I thanked him, at which point he showed me what I can only assume was his favorite finger and muttered something inaudibly. He scooted over two seats so that I was no longer directly across from him, and fifteen seconds later he got up and stood at the front of the bus for the remainder of his trip.

People are perplexing, and that's for sure and for certain.

Saturday, August 01, 2015

Too Tired to Think of a Clever Title

I'm not sure what's so compelling about 4:45 in the morning, but Sophia seems to think it's the ideal time to wake up. She's done it three different times in the past week.

I got her a drink, changed her, and got her back in bed. Then I lay down next to her to keep her cozy until she fell back asleep. It took about an hour and a half.

In that time, Sam woke up. I got him a drink and changed him, and put him back in bed. It's even money whether he'll actually go back to sleep.

Daddy's tired.